HC Deb 17 May 2000 vol 350 c344

4.9 pm

Mrs. Angela Browning (Tiverton and Honiton)

On a point of order, Madam Speaker. You will be aware that tomorrow morning the House will be asked to consider the part-time work regulations. Last Wednesday, on "Woman's Hour" on BBC Radio 4, the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry spelled out who the beneficiaries of that measure were likely to be. So inaccurate was his information that the following day a spokesman from the Trades Union Congress came on "Woman's Hour" to put the Secretary of State's inaccuracies right. People said, "Poor Mr. Byers, I think he must have fuddled his head because he's had a tough week." That is all very well, but is it not a contempt of the House that tomorrow we are being asked to consider legislation laid in the name of a Secretary of State who clearly does not understand it? May I, through you, Madam Speaker, ask whether the legislation could be deferred until it has been reviewed properly by the DTI, so that we know exactly what the Secretary of State's intentions are?

Madam Speaker

The hon. Lady will appreciate that the Speaker of the House does not determine the business programme. That is the responsibility of the Government in co-operation with the Opposition, and is considered through the usual channels. Perhaps I might refer the hon. Lady to the usual channels, where she may put her request for deferment.