Commons Sitting of 9 June 1993 Series 6 Vol. 226

Commons Sitting of 9 June 1993 Series 6 Vol. 226

  1. Preamble 7 words
  2. c263
  3. PRAYERS 5 words
  4. Oral Answers to Questions
      1. cc263-4
      2. Family life 654 words
      3. cc264-6
      4. Industry and Employment 980 words
      5. cc266-8
      6. NHS Staff 856 words
      7. cc268-9
      8. Scottish Homes Tenants 672 words
      9. cc269-71
      10. "Scotland in the Union—a partnership for good" 952 words
      11. cc271-2
      12. Water 729 words
      13. cc272-3
      14. General Practitioners (Drug Dispensing) 421 words
      15. cc273-4
      16. Caledonian MacBrayne 713 words
      17. cc274-5
      18. Damp Housing 299 words
      19. cc275-6
      20. Edinburgh Royal Infirmary 545 words
      21. cc276-7
      22. Regional Assistance 694 words
      23. cc277-9
      24. Infertility Treatment 652 words
      25. cc279-80
      26. Skye Bridge 277 words
  5. Personal Statement 2,811 words
  6. c286
  7. Pit Closures 270 words
  8. Orders of the Day
    1. cc287-416
    2. OPPOSITION DAY 3 words
      1. cc287-381
      2. Government Economic and Social Policy 54,533 words, 2 divisions
      3. cc382-409
      4. Council Tax 14,611 words, 1 division
      5. cc410-6
      6. Beach Safety 2,903 words