HC Deb 09 June 1993 vol 226 cc276-7
11. Mrs. Ewing

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what recent discussions he has held with representatives of (a) Grampian regional council and (b) the European Commission on the details of potential allocation of objective 5(b) status to west Grampian.

Sir Hector Monro

The European Commission's proposals for the future operation of the structural funds are currently under discussion at official level in the Council of Ministers. Until negotiations on criteria for the selection of objective 5(b) areas are further advanced it would be premature to discuss the possible allocation of 5(b) status to west Grampian.

Mrs. Ewing

Does the Under-Secretary not understand that there is a cross-party, Grampian-wide campaign to ensure that structural funds are allocated to the rural areas, which are very fragile, given their dependency on the fishing and farming industries? Why, therefore, is the Under-Secretary not prepared to meet an all-party delegation of Members of Parliament, representatives of the regional council and representatives of the district councils? I accept that meetings do not always lead to agreement, but does the Under-Secretary not understand that there is a desperate need for a meeting to take place very quickly, because decisions could be taken by the Commission as early as July?

Sir Hector Monro

I most certainly appreciate just how serious the situation is relative to west Moray, the north Moray coast and the fishing areas. I appreciate the strength of the case put forward by Grampian regional council and the local enterprise company. I can assure the hon. lady that my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Scotland is prepared to meet a delegation, which has already been suggested by the hon. Member for Aberdeen, North (Mr. Hughes) and my hon. Friend the Member for Aberdeen, South (Mr. Robertson). I am sure that my right hon. Friend will enjoy having the company of the hon. lady as well.

Mr. Malcolm Bruce

I am grateful to the Minister for saying that he will meet a delegation. I had understood, however, that he told the hon. Member for Aberdeen, North (Mr. Hughes) that he did not think that a meeting was timely. If that view has changed, I welcome it. Will the Minister take on board the fact that people who live outside Grampian often feel that it is a rich area? Although part of it is rich, the west Grampian part of it is very deprived. Income levels there are 75 per cent. of the European average and 71 per cent. of the United Kingdom average. Serious consideration, therefore, needs to be given to the allocation of 5(b) status to west Grampian.

Sir Hector Monro

Yes, I appreciate that the percentage of unemployment in west Moray, in the Forres area, is particularly high. My right hon. Friend is prepared to meet an all-party delegation and will look forward to doing so.

Mr. Robert Hughes

May we have the matter absolutely clear? I received a letter this morning from the Secretary of State in which he said that it was premature to have a meeting and that it might have to be delayed until later in the year. Is the Under-Secretary telling us that the Secretary of State has reconsidered and that a meeting is now on offer? If so, can that very small delegation include Members of Parliament from the region?

Sir Hector Monro

Yes. My right hon. Friend will do that.

Mr. Tom Clarke

Will the Minister explain, on behalf of the Secretary of State, why the people of Grampian, or anybody else, can have faith in the Government's influence upon European affairs? Has the Secretary of State for Scotland told the Under-Secretary how the Home Secretary achieved five extra seats in Europe, the Secretary of State for Wales one extra seat for Wales and the Secretary of State for Scotland none whatsoever for Scotland? In view of that, what advice does the Secretary of State for Scotland intend to give to the Sycophantic Scottish Tory press so that it can present that as a success instead of a spectacular failure?

Sir Hector Monro

That was very much a last-minute gasp by the hon. Gentleman, and he knows that it is far removed from anything to do with objective 1 or objective 5(b).