HC Deb 25 January 1993 vol 217 c819 10.37 pm
Mr. Tam Dalyell (Linlithgow)

On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker. This is a matter for the consideration of Madam Speaker overnight and before 3.30 pm tomorrow.

You will see, Mr. Deputy Speaker, that there is an unusual procedure—a notice of motion for an unopposed return—on the Order Paper at 2.35 pm tomorrow. It relates to Lothian police and my constituency. My locus in the matter is known to the Clerks and Madam Speaker.

My point of order is succinct and valid. Is it right and proper, especially in the light of all that you said last week, Mr. Deputy Speaker, about the parliamentary manners, to put it at its best, of the Scottish Office, that there should be released to the press, before hon. Members have had any chance to ask questions, both the Government's statement and what was clearly in Scotland today a massive briefing for a particular point of view on a delicate and sensitive issue?

I ask not that you come to any judgment immediately, Mr. Deputy Speaker, but that you draw the matter to the attention of Madam Speaker so that she can reflect on the behaviour of the Scottish Office tomorrow afternoon.

Mr. Deputy Speaker(Mr. Michael Morris)

I am grateful to the hon. Member for the manner in which he introduced his point of order. I am sure that I speak for Madam Speaker when I say that she would deplore any document being improperly issued to other parties—to the press or others—before it was issued to the House. The matter should be dealt with tomorrow, as the hon. Member has suggested.