HC Deb 21 January 1993 vol 217 cc481-2
1. Mr. Jacques Arnold

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what were the levels of investment from abroad in 1991–92.

The Minister of State, Northern Ireland Office (Mr. Robert Atkins)

In 1991–92, 430 new jobs were promoted from new green field investment, with negotiations under way on a number of additional projects. I am delighted that announcements about some of these additional projects have since been made and that others can be expected shortly.

Mr. Arnold

Given the unfortunate perception abroad of the situation in Northern Ireland, is not it important that approaches to foreign investors be made on a co-operative and in many ways a joint basis? In view of that, will my hon. Friend comment on the recent initiatives in that regard by the hon. Members of Belfast, North (Mr. Walker) and for Belfast, West (Dr. Hendron)?

Mr. Atkins

My hon. Friend is right. The hon. Gentlemen to whom he refers will know the success of their trip. It highlights the fact that the communities can work together and the importance of investment from other parts of the world and shows that aims that are important to the whole Province can be achieved by parliamentary colleagues as well as those in industry.

Rev. Martin Smyth

Will the Minister enlarge on his answer? We welcome the 400 new jobs. Were they created by new firms or are the expansion of existing firms? How many foreign investment firms folded in Northern Ireland in 1992?

Mr. Atkins

I cannot give the hon. Gentleman a detailed answer to his second question withour prior notice, but I shall, of course, write to him with the details. As everyone is aware, during the recession Northern Ireland, like everywhere else, has had a hard time. Not as many jobs were created in 1991–92 as one would have wished, but I am sure that the hon. Gentleman knows that in the latter part of last year and already in the early part of this year good news has been announced. I have hopes of more in the future.

Rev. William McCrea

Does the Minister appreciate the extent of the deprivation and unemployment in my constituency? Does he accept that it will take tremendous Government help and initiative to encourage people from abroad to come to the Province and especially to the west of the Province? Will he assure the House that, to that end, he will give every encouragement and assistance to hon. Members?

Mr. Atkins

Of course, I assure the hon. Gentleman that we will not let up in our attempt to get investment to all parts of Northern Ireland. The hon. Gentleman will recall that my right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State was in the hon. Gentleman's constituency recently and I have fond memories of that visit there. I shall continue to do my best not only for the hon. Gentleman's constituency but for all the Northern Ireland constituencies.

Mr. McGrady

The Minister will be aware that inward investment should be available to all areas of Northern Ireland. I draw his attention to the novelty by which, in the past three years, of 875 first visits only 10 were to South Down. That is less than 1 per cent. If we are to have equal opportunity and fair employment, new inward investment must, as far as possible, be directed to the rural areas. Does he agree that the excuse that inward investment inquiries require urbanised areas does not hold water because South Down is only 10 miles from the centre of Belfast and the docks, and the southern half has a new modern dock facility of its own?

Mr. Atkins

The hon. Gentleman never lets up in fighting his corner for his patch and quite right, too. That is true of all Northern Ireland Members. I am aware of his concern and I have taken it up with the Industrial Development Board. The hon. Gentleman is an understanding chap who appreciates these matters and knows that it is sometimes difficult to attract companies to rural areas, even those as beautiful as his constituency. We take his caution to heart. I know that the hon. Gentleman does an enormous amount of work trying to establish a link with Chicago and I have hopes that we may be able to attract companies from that great city to his constituency. I am happy to help the hon. Gentleman in achieving his objectives.