HC Deb 18 December 1991 vol 201 cc270-2
12. Mrs. Dunwoody

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what steps he is taking to ensure that known international terrorists do not receive any support from countries in the middle east with which the United Kingdom maintains diplomatic relations.

Mr. Douglas Hogg

We have repeatedly made clear our condemnation of terrorism and we attach much importance to international efforts to counter it. We maintain a dialogue with a range of countries with the aim of discouraging any form of support for terrorist groups.

Mrs. Dunwoody

When the Minister made it clear a little more than a year ago that he was changing his attitude towards the Government of Syria, he said that he was able to do so because there was no known connection with terrorist organisations, such as that involving the appalling man, Jibril. Since other Governments, such as the American Government, still have Syria on their terrorist list, is the Minister certain that no evidence exists of any link between any terrorist organisation and the Syrian Government?

Mr. Hogg

As the hon. Lady will know, when we resumed diplomatic relations with Syria at the end of last year we discussed that type of question with them and received reassurances which were sufficient to enable us to resume diplomatic relations.

Mr. Kilfedder

Has Colonel Gaddafi yet provided information about the explosives and armaments that he supplied to the IRA? Will the Government seek compensation for the slaughter and mutilation of British citizens which have resulted from the arms and Semtex that he has provided?

Mr. Hogg

My hon. Friend will know that at the end of November we made a number of requests to the Government of Libya. They included the delivering up of the two named individuals for trial, recognition of responsibility for acts, willingness to pay compensation, the disclosure of information relating to the IRA and renunciation of terrorism. Colonel Gaddafi has not complied with any of those requests.