HC Deb 24 October 1990 vol 178 cc397-9

Motion made, and Question put,

That with effect from the beginning of the next Session of Parliament Standing Order No. 127 (Select Committee on European Legislation) be amended by leaving out paragraph (1) and inserting:

(1) There shall be a select committee, to be called the Select Committee on European Legislation, to examine European Community Documents and—

  1. (a) to report its opinion on the legal and political importance of each such document and, where it considers appropriate, to report also on the reasons for its opinion and on any matters of principle, policy or law which may be affected;
  2. (b) to make recommendations for the further consideration of any such document pursuant to Standing Order No. 102 (European Standing Committees); and
  3. (c) to consider any issue arising upon any such document or group of documents.

The expression 'European Community Documents' means—

  1. (i) any proposal under the Community Treaties for legislation by the Council of Ministers;
  2. (ii) any document which is published for submission to the European Council or the Council of Ministers;
  3. (iii) any document (not falling within (ii) above) which is published by one Community institution for or with a view to submission to another Community institution and which does not relate exclusively to consideration of any proposal for legislation;
  4. (iv) any other document relating to European Community matters deposited in the House by a Minister of the Crown.—[Sir Geoffrey Howe.]

The House divided: Ayes 170, Noes 2.

Division No. 336] [7.35 pm
Abbott, Ms Diane Banks, Tony(Newham NW)
Allen, Graham Barnes, Harry(Derbyshire NE)
Arbuthnot, James Barron, Kevin
Arnold, Jacques(Gravesham) Beggs, Roy
Arnold, Sir Thomas Bendall, Vivian
Atkins, Robert Bennett, Nicholas(Pembroke)
Atkinson, David Benyon, W.
Baker, Rt Hon K.(Mole Valley) Boscawen, Hon Robert
Boswell, Tim Key, Robert
Bottomley, Peter Kilfedder, James
Bottomley, Mrs Virginia King, Roger(B'ham N'thfield)
Bowis, John Kirkhope, Timothy
Brazier, Julian Knapman, Roger
Bright, Graham Knight, Greg(Derby North)
Brooke, Rt Hon Peter Knowles, Michael
Brown, Michael(Brigg & Cl't's) Lawrence, Ivan
Browne, John(Winchester) Lester, Jim(Broxtowe)
Buckley, George J. Lightbown, David
Budgen, Nicholas Lilley, Peter
Burns, Simon Livsey, Richard
Butler, Chris Lloyd, Peter(Fareham)
Carlisle, Kenneth(Lincoln) Lofthouse, Geoffrey
Carrington, Matthew Lord, Michael
Cash, William Lyell, Rt Hon Sir Nicholas
Channon, Rt Hon Paul McKay, Allen(Barnsley West)
Chapman, Sydney MacKay, Andrew(E Berkshire)
Chope, Christopher Maclean, David
Churchill, Mr McLoughlin, Patrick
Clark, Hon Alan(Plym'th S'n) McNair-Wilson, Sir Michael
Conway, Derek Mans, Keith
Coombs, Anthony(Wyre F'rest) Maples, John
Coombs, Simon(Swindon) Martin, David(Portsmouth S)
Cope, Rt Hon John Mellor, David
Cormack, Patrick Michie, Bill(Sheffield Heeley)
Couchman, James Mitchell, Andrew(Gedling)
Curry, David Morrison, Rt Hon P(Chester)
Dalyell, Tam Moss, Malcolm
Davies, Q.(Stamf'd & Spald'g) Moynihan, Hon Colin
Dixon, Don Needham, Richard
Douglas-Hamilton, Lord James Neubert, Michael
Dover, Den Newton, Rt Hon Tony
Emery, Sir Peter Nicholson, David(Taunton)
Fallon, Michael Norris, Steve
Flynn, Paul O'Brien, William
Forsythe, Clifford(Antrim S) Page, Richard
Forth, Eric Paice, James
Freeman, Roger Patnick, Irvine
Gale, Roger Patten, Rt Hon John
Garel-Jones, Tristan Portillo, Michael
Glyn, Dr Sir Alan Primarolo, Dawn
Godman, Dr Norman A. Raffan, Keith
Golding, Mrs Llin Redwood, John
Goodlad, Alastair Riddick, Graham
Goodson-Wickes, Dr Charles Roberts, Sir Wyn(Conwy)
Graham, Thomas Ryder, Richard
Greenway, Harry(Ealing N) Sackville, Hon Tom
Greenway, John(Ryedale) Sainsbury, Hon Tim
Griffiths, Peter(Portsmouth N) Salmond, Alex
Grist, Ian Shaw, Sir Giles(Pudsey)
Hague, William Shaw, Sir Michael(Scarb')
Hamilton, Neil(Tatton) Shelton, Sir William
Hanley, Jeremy Shepherd, Colin(Hereford)
Hargreaves, A.(B'ham H'll Gr') Sillars, Jim
Harris, David Smith, Tim(Beaconsfield)
Hawkins, Christopher Spearing, Nigel
Hayhoe, Rt Hon Sir Barney Spicer, Sir Jim(Dorset W)
Heathcoat-Amory, David Steen, Anthony
Heseltine, Rt Hon Michael Stewart, Andy(Sherwood)
Hind, Kenneth Summerson, Hugo
Home Robertson, John Taylor, Ian(Esher)
Hood, Jimmy Taylor, Rt Hon J. D.(S'ford)
Hordern, Sir Peter Taylor, John M(Solihull)
Howarth, Alan(Strat'd-on-A) Taylor, Matthew(Truro)
Howarth, G.(Cannock & B'wd) Tebbit, Rt Hon Norman
Howe, Rt Hon Sir Geoffrey Thompson, D.(Calder Valley)
Howells, Geraint Thompson, Patrick(Norwich N)
Howells, Dr. Kim (Pontypridd) Tracey, Richard
Hughes, John(Coventry NE) Wells, Bowen
Hughes, Robert G.(Harrow W) Welsh, Andrew(Angus E)
Hughes, Simon(Southwark) Wheeler, Sir John
Hunt, David(Wirral W) Wise, Mrs Audrey
Illsley, Eric Woodcock, Dr. Mike
Irvine, Michael Young, Sir George(Acton)
Jack, Michael
Jackson, Robert Tellers for the Ayes:
Jopling, Rt Hon Michael Mr. Nicholas Baker and Mr. Timothy Wood.
Kellett-Bowman, Dame Elaine
Patchett, Terry Tellers for the Noes:
Skinner, Dennis Mr. Bob Cryer and Mr. Peter L. Pike.

Question accordingly agreed to.