HC Deb 25 January 1989 vol 145 cc1015-6
5. Mr. Grocott

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment whether he has any plans to meet the chairman of the Telford development corporation to discuss the board's housing policy.

Mr. Trippier

I last met the chairman of the Telford development corporation during the course of a visit to Telford on Thursday 19 January.

Mr. Grocott

Is the Minister aware that hundreds of Telford development corporation tenants are deeply anxious about the future of their homes because of constant U-turns in Government policy and the Government's constant failure to honour commitments to hold ballots? Will he end the uncertainty by instructing Telford development corporation to hold a ballot of tenants now, or is he afraid that a ballot would result in an overwhelming majority in favour of the transfer of those houses to Wrekin district council?

Mr. Trippier

If anyone has caused anxiety in the minds of tenants in Telford, it has been Wrekin district council and the support that it has been given by the hon. Gentleman, particularly with regard to the court proceedings taken by the council which have sabotaged the likelihood of a housing management agreement with the housing association. The hon. Gentleman has supported Wrekin district council throughout. I strongly suggest that he gets a little more in touch with the tenants—they are, after all, his constituents in a hypermarginal seat—and remember that only 10 per cent. of those tenants opposed the management agreement.

Mr. Conway

When my hon. Friend has the time to do so, will he congratulate the chairman of the Telford development corporation on its success in providing manufacturing and service jobs in Telford new town and on providing the amount of land that is necessary to stimulate the growth of private home ownership, which will probably result in this Parliament being the last one for the hon. Member for The Wrekin (Mr. Grocott)?

Mr. Trippier

I certainly agree with my hon. Friend's last comment. I am happy to join him in congratulating the chairman and board of the Telford development corporation. I had an opportunity to see for myself the enormous success that has been achieved and I was fortunate enough to open the new chamber of commerce premises. I also had an opportunity to see the successful development of the local enterprise agency. The area is now strong and vigorous once again as a result of the corporation's activities—certainly not as a result of the district council's activities.

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