HC Deb 11 January 1985 vol 70 cc1009-10 9.37 am
Mr. Michael Meadowcroft (Leeds, West)

I have the honour to present a petition on the matters contained within the Warnock report that deals with the status of the human embryo. It is signed by some 3,000 residents of Leeds, West and neighbouring constituencies. It reads: Wherefore your petitioners pray that the House of Commons will take immediate steps to enact legislation which forbids any procedure that involves purchase or sale of human embryos, the discarding of human embryos, their use as sources of transplant tissue or as subjects for research or experiment (unless this is done solely for the benefit of the embryo concerned). And your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray etc. The views of the petitioners are deeply and sincerely held. It is a legitimate point of view that I am sure will be considered by all right hon. and hon. Members of this House. I have the honour to present the petition on behalf of the petitioners.

To lie upon the Table.

9.38 am
Mr. Conal Gregory (York)

I have the honour to present a petition concerning the protection of the human embryo and following the report of the Warnock committee. This is another petition that I present today; it contains more than 310 signatures of York constituents, and reads: Wherefore your petitioners pray that the House of Commons will take immediate steps to enact legislation which forbids any procedure which involves purchase or sale of human embryos, the discarding of human embryos, their use as sources of transplant tissue or as subjects for research or experiment (unless this is done solely for the benefit of the embryo concerned). And your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray etc. This petition endorses the deeply held view of many York people. The work of some misguided scientists has not been natural and cannot be God's way. I know of the concern of the Church and all who look to Parliament to uphold high, moral and ethical standards in society. Do let us accept the spirit of this and similar petitions, embrace such safeguards in our legislation and protect and foster natural life.

To lie upon the Table.