HC Deb 22 May 1984 vol 60 cc810-1
2. Mr. Dobson

asked the Secretary of State for Defence whether the United States of America testing programme for the ground-launched cruise missile has included a sequential launch of four missiles from a single transporter erector launcher.

Mr. Stanley

I understand that in addition to extensive sequential launched simulations in both laboratory and field environments, the United States ground-launched cruise missile test programme has included an actual sequential launch test involving two missiles.

Mr. Dobson

Is the Minister aware that the idea of a sequence of two is absurd? As there have been faults with more than 1,000 air-launched cruise missiles, is he aware that it is absurd to bring missiles into the heart of this country when they have not even been properly tested in ideal testing conditions?

Mr. Stanley

I cannot imagine what the hon. Gentleman finds absurd about a sequential launch of two missiles. That seems a perfectly sensible test to have made when they are mounted in groups of four. The flight test programme of the ground-launched cruise missiles has, generally speaking, been thoroughly satisfactory.

Mr. Adley

Is not the difference between a free and an enslaved group of societies starkly illustrated by the way in which the NATO countries individually debate, vote on and decide these matters, whereas the countries of the Soviet bloc do as they are told?

Mr. Stanley

I agree with my hon. Friend, and the events of the next 35 minutes or so will not be reproduced in Moscow.

Ms. Clare Short

Given that such tests might take place from Greenham common, may I ask the hon. Gentleman to explain why British soldiers who guard the perimeter of Greenham common are in grotty little corrugated huts, like nightwatchmen, while the American soldiers inside are in—

Mr. Speaker

Order. I do not think that the hon. Lady has read the Order Paper.

Ms. Short


Mr. Speaker

Order. If the hon. Lady reads the question she will see that it is concerned with launches from single transporter erector launchers.

Ms. Short

On a point of order, Mr. Speaker. I referred to the possibility of such tests taking place from Greenham common, which surely brought my supplementary question into order.

Mr. Speaker

I shall not argue with the hon. Lady about that, but will permit the Minister to answer her.

Ms. Short

In that case, Mr. Speaker, may I finish my question?

Mr. Speaker

Very well.

Ms. Short

Might the conditions in which British soldiers are operating at Greenham common explain their misbehaviour towards the women who are trying to protest against—

Mr. Speaker

Order. That is an abuse of Question Time.

Mr. Stanley

There will be no flight testing from Greenham common.