HC Deb 27 March 1984 vol 57 c136
15. Mr. Phillip Oppenheim

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is the average length of time between a person registering a claim for supplementary benefit and a decision being reached on that claim in the latest year for which figures are available.

The Minister for Social Security (Dr. Rhodes Boyson)

In the year ending 14 February 1984 it was five days.

Mr. Oppenheim

Is my hon. Friend aware that the decision on the claim of my constituent, Mr. Allan took no less than four months, causing him much hardship? Although I accept that that is in no way typical, is not that an unacceptable length of time for making a decision on such a claim?

Dr. Boyson

I appreciate my hon. Friend's concern. I have already written to him about this case. If there are any further points that he would like to bring to my attention, I should be glad to receive them. The average time for supplementary benefit claims to be decided in the various offices in his constituency is between three and seven days.