HC Deb 11 April 1983 vol 40 c544
21. Mr. Canavan

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what percentage of total Government expenditure is spent on the arts.

Mr. Channon

Central Government expenditure on my arts and libraries programme in 1981–82 was about 0.3 per cent. of total central Government expenditure.

Mr. Canavan

Does the Minister admit that total Government spending on the arts is an absolutely miserable pittance? Does he agree that the total public spending on the arts would be even less if many local authorities, especially those controlled by Labour, were not doing their best in severe financial circumstances to give more support to the arts? Will the Minister try to ensure that local authorities are given more encouragement so that more money can be spent on supporting the arts, and especially on participation by youngsters?

Mr. Channon

I cannot accept the first part of the hon. Gentleman's remarks. Considering the difficult economic position, the amount of money provided by the Government for the arts has been very good. If the hon. Gentleman had asked about the percentage of total expenditure spent on the arts by the Labour Government that he supported and by this Government, I could tell him that the percentage is almost exactly the same.

Mr. Jessel

Will my right hon. Friend please remind the House of how large was the increase, either in percentage or in absolute terms—depending on which is the more convenient for him—in the total arts budget and, within that, of the Arts Council budget, which comprises the biggest component of the arts budget taken as a whole? May I remind him that this was received with general satisfaction when it took place?

Mr. Channon

I am grateful to my hon. Friend. At the moment the best available figures are the outturn figures for 1981–82, for which central Government expenditure was £195 million. In 1983–84, the estimate is for £231 million. In view of the difficult economic circumstances, that was a good increase. I also believe that it was widely welcomed inside and outside the House by those interested in the arts.

Mr. D. E. Thomas

What progress is the Minister making in response to the major report of the Select Committee on Education, Science and the Arts on the public and private funding of the arts?

Mr. Channon

I told the Select Committee that I hoped to be able to reply to it in the spring. That still gives me some leeway.

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