HC Deb 09 December 1981 vol 14 cc851-2
8. Mr. Ron Brown

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many people were convicted for a breach of the peace during the past 12 months.

The Under-Secretary of State for Scotland (Mr. Malcolm Rifkind)

The latest available information is for 1979, when 31,659 persons were convicted of breach of the peace.

Mr. Brown

Will the Minister explain why one case was dropped? I refer to the shameful incident earlier this year when Councillor Tony Lester attacked a member of the public in Lothian regional chambers. Was a special deal done to permit this leading member of the Tory Party to escape prosecution? Is the Tory Party justifying extra-parliamentary activities? It is obvious to me that there is one law for the Conservative Party and another for the Labour Party. Will the Minister answer that question? Was a special deal done for Councillor Tony Lester, because that is what is being said in Scotland?

Mr. Rifkind

Questions of prosecution are for the procurator fiscal to consider. I am not aware of any such deal as that suggested by the hon. Gentleman. One can think of a number of examples of public figures indulging in unruly behaviour without being prosecuted.

Mr. David Steel

How many Members of Parliament or ex-Members of Parliament feature in the statistics that the Under-Secretary gave?

Mr. Rifkind

I am not immediately aware of that information. Part of the explanation might be that Members of Parliament, quite apart from councillors, sometimes indulge in anti-social behaviour which is tolerated by the community as a whole.

Sir Hector Monro

Does my hon. Friend agree that the banning of alcohol at football and rugby matches has brought an immense improvement in behaviour? Will he consider recommending this legislation to the Spanish Government?

Mr. Rifkind

It is not one of my responsibilities to make representations of that or any other kind to foreign Governments. My hon. Friend is, of course, correct. We can be greatly heartened by the extremely encouraging evidence from football grounds throughout Scotland that since the ban on alcohol was introduced there has been a significant improvement in behaviour. All involved in these activities recognise this welcome improvement.