HC Deb 08 February 1978 vol 943 cc1443-4
11. Mr. Adley

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment how many representations he has received in the current year in connection with assisting council house tenants to acquire their homes.

Mr. Freeson

We have received several, reflecting various views.

Mr. Adley

Does the Minister agree that there are some rather odd bedfellows opposing the sale of council houses? There are the doctrinaire Socialists, who want to see an extension of municipalisation and State control, there are the blimps who believe that once a council house tenant, always a council house tenant, and there are those in the housing authorities who do not want to see their housing empires diminished. When are the Government going to respond to the legitimate desire for freedom of choice among people who want to own the homes in which they have lived for half their lifetime or even longer?

Mr. Freeson

We believe that we have developed the right balanced approach to this question. I only wish that those foolish people who rabbit on about the indiscriminate sale of council houses as the solution to all our problems of home ownership, housing improvement and urban renewal would turn their minds to the realities of the housing problems on the ground and take a more balanced view.

Mr. Hardy

Has the Minister any view about those local authorities which, despite long waiting lists, wish to emulate the GLC and raffle off houses? They will receive no criticism from the Conservatives. Will he ensure that where a local authority sells its houses it does so on terms that are fair to the community as a whole?

Mr. Freeson

I certainly accept that. We believe that the time will come when we must review the criteria and the circumstances under which this policy is applied. We believe that since April 1974, when we issued the first policy circular covering this question, we have got the balance just about right. All I ask is a balanced approach. I must point out that we cannot solve the problems of demand for rented housing by reducing the housing stock available.