HC Deb 13 December 1978 vol 960 cc631-2
1. Mrs. Bain

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what current discussions he is holding with local authorities on the prevention and cure of condensation in local authority housing.

The Under-Secretary of State for Scotland (Mr. Hugh D. Brown)

My right hon. Friend decided, following discussion with the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities, to ask authorities to examine the incidence of condensation in their housing stock and to give high priority to remedial measures in their housing plans.

Mrs. Bain

I thank the Minister for that reply. Will he give us an indication of when he expects COSLA to have completed this survey? On publication of the survey, will the Scottish Office reconsider its decision not to make available special funds for remedial action undertaken by local authorities? In the long term, will the Minister look particularly at the design of houses, since it seems to be a specific design which leads to this problem?

Mr. Brown

I am sorry, but the hon. Lady is wrong in two out of three of her comments. COSLA is not conducting a survey. The Government have asked housing authorities to take stock of their problems in their areas and to advise the Government of the extent of them. Secondly, the Government are considering this matter. We have not taken any decision. Funds are available. I am sorry that the hon. Lady is shaking her head. We have made the situation clear to local authorities, and we have not restricted any authority which wants to carry out remedial work. Money has been made available for insulation in both the public and the private sectors. Therefore, there is no lack of energy or enthusiasm on the part of the Government to cure this problem.

Mr. Speaker

Order. I hope that we shall have short questions and answers.

Mr. Rifkind

Is the Minister aware that council tenants in my constituency have been told by the housing department that breathing is one of the main causes of condensation and they have been advised accordingly? Is he further aware that housing departments are terrified of accepting responsibility for this problem because of the scale of expenditure that would be required? Will the Government give all the help that they can?

Mr. Brown

The answer is "Yes, the Government will give all the help they can ", but it does not add much to the understanding of the problem to treat this matter light-heartedly. There is a genuine problem in educating tenants, though that is not the whole story. However, the Government certainly want action to be taken and it must be taken by housing authorities.

Mr. Younger

Is the Minister aware that we shall warmly welcome whatever action he feels he can take regarding this matter? However, does he not think it strange that when a private house has dampness in it the owner eliminates it by putting the matter right, whereas when a public tenant has dampness in his house it is called condensation and he is told that nothing can be done about it?

Mr. Brown

That is too superficial an observation for me to respond to. We do not know the extent of this problem in the private sector. I am responsible for the public sector, and I repeat that we are anxious to find a solution to this serious problem.

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