HC Deb 18 January 1977 vol 924 cc66-7
10. Mr. Steen

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what steps she will take to ensure young people participate in the making of decisions which will affect the use of their leisure time.

Miss Margaret Jackson

My right hon. Friend has established a Youth Service Forum for England and Wales, under my chairmanship, on which not less than one-third of the members will be young people under the age of 26. At its first meeting last month the forum agreed to set up a working party to consider, among other things, how young people may more effectively influence Youth Service policy and provision.

Mr. Steen

What network is the Minister using to find young people, and how many young people have been found to date for her Youth Service Forum?

Miss Jackson

As yet, the final composition of the forum has not been established. It has had only its first meeting and the final members are in the process of being appointed. I cannot answer the hon. Gentleman's supplementary question factually, but not less than one-third of the members will be under 26. If he wishes, when the final composition of the forum is established I will write to him.

Mr. Heffer

Surely it is not just a question of young people taking decisions on leisure time. What we need is employment for young people. My right hon. Friend said that 35,000 children were staying on at school after 16. Unfortunately, many are staying on because there is no employment for them. Is not that an issue with which the Department should be concerned?

Miss Jackson

Certainly we are concerned that young people do not have jobs to go to, but we think it is preferable for young people to stay on in education and perhaps acquire additional skills which might help them to get a better job later rather than that they should be totally unemployed.