HC Deb 08 May 1973 vol 856 cc196-7
25. Mr. Stonehouse

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what further economies he intends to make in the provision of drugs for the National Health Service.

Sir K. Joseph

I am satisfied that the Voluntary Price Regulation Scheme provides a proper means of settling the prices of medicines in this country in a manner fair both to the National Health Service and to the manufacturers.

Mr. Stonehouse

Does the right hon. Gentleman accept that the Monopolies Commission's report on the Roche Group's products reveals merely the tip of the iceberg? Is there not ramp in most of the drugs which are being supplied to the National Health Service which deserves the immediate attention of the Secretary of State? Another reference to the Monopolies Commission would mean another 18 months at least before the commission could report. Does not the pointed reference in paragraph 201 of the Monopolies Commission's report about the lack of competition in non-reference drugs call attention to the immediacy of the problem?

Sir K. Joseph

No. I entirely disagree with the right hon. Gentleman's assertion. It is very wrong of him to make such a general denunciation without, so far as I know, a spark of evidence. I disagree with him entirely.