HC Deb 21 March 1973 vol 853 cc451-3
Mr. Marten

I beg to ask leave to move the Adjournment of the House, under Standing Order No. 9, for the purpose of discussing a specific and important matter that should have urgent consideration, namely, the meeting of the Council of Ministers of Agriculture in the Common Market next Monday, 26th, and Tuesday, 27th March, at which meeting agricultural prices will be discussed. There is little doubt that this is a specific issue. Although the agenda has not been published, all the information coming from the Community is that this matter will be discussed.

It is self-evident that it is an important matter at a time when Her Majesty's Government are desperately trying to keep down food prices and when the Commission is trying to raise agricultural prices in the Community.

This House should say before the meeting begins on Monday that we, this sovereign British Parliament, will not accept any higher Common Market farm prices. This would back up admirably my right hon. Friend the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in his fight against this nonsensical common agricultural policy.

To show that the matter is urgent, I have only to point out that if any agreement should be reached on Monday or Tuesday over farm prices in the Common Market it will be final, and under Section 2 of the European Communities Act a regulation will be issued which will be directly applicable to this country, and we in this House will have no opportunity to overturn it or even to debate it. Tomorrow is the last opportunity that this sovereign House of Commons will have an occasion on which to express its view very firmly to my right hon. Friend that we will not have any increase in prices from the Common Market.

I recognise that we already have a debate under Standing Order No. 9 today, and I am sure that that will not affect your judgment, Mr. Speaker. Tomorrow we shall be discussing the Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Bill. I hope that you will not say that this matter can be debated then, because I want a decision taken at the end of a Standing Order No. 9 debate and not merely have the matter discussed in the course of our debate on the Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Bill.

I hope, Mr. Speaker, that you will grant this application.

Mr. Speaker

The hon. Member for Banbury (Mr. Marten) asks leave to move the Adjournment of the House under Standing Order No. 9 for the purpose of discussing a specific and important matter that he thinks should have urgent consideration, namely, the meeting of the Council of Ministers of Agriculture in the Common Market next Monday, 26th, and Tuesday, 27th March, at which meeting agricultural prices will be discussed. I make no comment on what the hon. Gentleman has said. I am directed to give no reason for my decision. I am not prepared to allow a Standing Order No. 9 debate.