HC Deb 08 March 1973 vol 852 cc582-3
20. Mr. Michael Cocks

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will introduce legislation to increase the penalties for cattle rustling.

Mrs. Fenner

The penalties which may be imposed for this and other kinds of theft are substantial and I am not aware of any need to increase them.

Mr. Cocks

Is the Minister aware that what has so far only been known to the Virginian and John Wayne on our television sets is becoming a matter of increasing concern throughout the country? Numerous cases are reported, including cases reported on the television yesterday in South Gloucestershire and North Somerset. Will the Minister press for a distinction to be made between those who take the odd beast and the large-scale rustling by organised gangs who now find the activity profitable, owing to the scandalous price of meat?

Mrs. Fenner

The Home Office does not have statistics for theft of livestock as such, so the extent of the problem can be judged only from what the hon. Member has said and by the television programmes. There seems to be some increase in livestock rustling, judging by the reports from the Ministry's regional offices, but it is a problem primarily for the police, because it is another form of stealing.

Mr. William Hamilton

Is the Minister aware that rustling is now probably the major growth industry in Scotland? Will she take steps to obtain separate figures to show the increase in rustling in Scotland, particularly in rural areas, and will she give them to the House at the earliest opportunity?

Mrs. Fenner

Yes, I will arrange to send a letter to the hon. Member if I can produce the exact figures.