HC Deb 19 June 1973 vol 858 cc359-60
14. Mr. Duffy

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will encourage local social services departments to promote good neighbour contact schemes, with the aid of volunteer workers to guard the welfare of the old and disabled.

Sir K. Joseph

I have done so on a number of occasions, and I am sending to the hon. Member copies of three circulars issued to local authorities which are particularly relevant.

Mr. Duffy

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that there have been some lonely and even undiscovered—and, therefore, extremely distressing—deaths in Sheffield, which have not involved only the old? Therefore, will he go further than he has gone and reinforce the attempts of those in Sheffield and elsewhere whose aim is to establish one good neighbour in every street or part of a street to keep an eye on the welfare of the old, backed up by the professional bodies and all linked up with the social services departments?

Sir K. Joseph

I certainly wish to encourage to the full all such admirable activities. I know that there are a number in Sheffield. But quite a number of the people whose deaths we deplore when they are discovered some weeks later have had offers of help which they have refused—not all, but many of them.

Mr. Sydney Chapman

Does my right hon. Friend agree that there is a wealth of talent and workers to be tapped among students, particularly in universities and colleges in inner city areas? Will he see that his Department makes a personal approach to see whether they will help to look after the old and disabled who live very near to them?

Sir K. Joseph

I agree with my hon. Friend, and I shall take an opportunity to pass on that advice. which I am sure is familiar to the directors of social services.