HC Deb 18 October 1972 vol 843 c259
29. Mr. Oakes

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will now issue a circular to local authorities advising on the operation of Section 100 of the Local Government Act.

Mr. Graham Page

I will be issuing such a circular as soon as the necessary urgent consultations have been completed.

Mr. Oakes

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that as long ago as early July a promise was given by his right hon. Friend that such guidance would be given? Is he also aware of the confusion, amounting to chaos, between local authorities about who will do what after 1st April, 1974? Will he issue this circular for their guidance immediately?

Mr. Page

I appreciate the urgency of this matter, and the Government's approach to it will be set out in the consultation paper to be issued this month, but we had to wait until another place had decided exactly what the contents of the Bill would be. I cannot promise the Freeman of Hale that it will give him guidance on how to take over Speke Airport.

Mr. Trew

Will my right hon. Friend make sure that there are adequate safeguards to ensure that county councils honour their agreements under agency arrangements in future years?

Mr. Page

There is a right of appeal to my right hon. Friend if there is an irreconcilable dispute between the county and the district.