HC Deb 12 December 1972 vol 848 cc218-9
11. Mr. Strang

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what plans he has for replacing the hearing aid at present supplied under the National Health Service with a more modern and efficient model.

Mr. Alison

National Health Service hearing aids have a good record of efficiency but I am looking into the possibility of improving them further.

Mr. Strang

Does the Minister agree that the National Health Service hearing aids fall well below the standard now achieved by the better hearing aids available for private purchase? Can he assure the House that he will treat the matter with the urgency it deserves, and provide a much better hearing aid through the National Health Service?

Mr. Alison

I am not at all sure that the body-worn aid, which is the National Health Service standard aid, is in any way below the standards of body-worn aids supplied privately. Such aids are totally different from the many kinds of head-worn aids supplied privately. We are considering the possibility of extending the provision of head-worn aids in the National Health Service.

Dr. Stuttaford

Does not my hon. Friend agree that for adolescents it is absolutely imperative to have a head-worn aid provided by the National Health Service as soon as possible, and that it is cruel to expect the ordinary girl of 17 or 18 to wear wires around her neck and tucked down into her blouse?

Mr. Alison

I am very glad that my hon. Friend has made that point, because I believe that the cosmetic aspect of an appliance is a crucial element in its acceptability.

Mr. Pavitt

Is the Minister aware that even with the body-worn aids about 10 different standards of clarity are available? In view of the breakdown of the production of the OL 66 from his Department, is he now consulting his Audiological Advisory Committee on replacing it? Is he aware that provided he can solve the battery problems the post-aural aid will cost only twice as much as the present body-worn aid?

Mr. Alison

I am aware of a great many of the factors to which the hon. Gentleman, who is a considerable expert on the matter, has referred. We are considering very carefully and sympathetically extending and modernising the range of aids available through the National Health Service.

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