HC Deb 11 February 1971 vol 811 c808
Mr. Hugh Jenkins

On a point of order, Mr. Speaker. I hesitate to detain the House longer. Mr. Speaker, you have introduced a new custom—one understands why—that all Members who wish to ask business questions are not necessarily called to ask them. The result has been that in the last three weeks you have excluded one or two Members from asking business questions. This is a change which I think that we must accept—[HON. MEMBERS: "No."]—it seems that some Members do not want to accept it. If you are making this change, Mr.peaker—there may be arguments against it—would you take care to see that it is not always the same Member who is excluded, in case a new precedent arises in which it becomes the custom and the practice of the House that all Members are allowed to ask business questions except the hon. Member for Putney?

Mr. Speaker

I will certainly see that that is not the case. This is a difficult matter for the Chair. I ask hon. Members if possible not to repeat a question which has already been asked, because that does take up the time of the House. The Chair would like to get everyone in with a new question.