HC Deb 20 December 1971 vol 828 cc1094-5
11. Mr. Ifor Davies

asked the Secretary of State for Wales what is the total amount of derelict land to date authorised for clearance since the setting up of the Derelict Land Unit by the Welsh Office; what is the latest estimated amount of land still awaiting clearance; and if he will increase the staff of the unit to deal with the matter.

Mr. Gibson-Watt

134 local authority schemes covering over 3,400 acres have so far been approved for grant. At 31st December, 1969, there were estimated to be nearly 19,000 acres of derelict land in Wales, roughly two-thirds of which were thought to justify treatment: but a further study of the extent of dereliction is currently being undertaken by local planning authorities in consultation with my Department. The adequacy of the staffing of the Derelict Land Unit is kept under constant review.

Mr. Davies

I thank the hon. Gentleman for those details, but is he aware that, despite the undoubted success of the Derelict Land Unit, which is a credit to the Welsh Office, it has taken four years to complete the 3,400 acres, which means that it will take 24 years to complete all the land considered to be derelict? Therefore, will he consider taking special measures to speed up the work and, incidentally, in the light of previous questions, help to solve the unemployment problem? I am sure that the local authorities would give him every help in the matter. Will the hon. Gentleman reconsider the issue?

Mr. Gibson-Watt

I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman for what he said. He will be aware that there has been a great acceleration. Now, in 1971, we have 39 authorised schemes on the books, whereas last year there were only 33. We have already stepped up our efforts. We have increased the complement in the unit by one, and the provision of an extra engineering post is being considered.

Sir A. Meyer

Is my hon. Friend aware that there is unfair discrimination against those areas which do not come within the development area definition and that in Flintshire, in particular, there are areas of potentially derelict land which could be cleared? Will he give an undertaking that the unit will consider this matter?

Mr. Gibson-Watt

I am happy to say that in a recent visit to North Wales, very close to my hon. Friend's constituency, I say a lot of land reclamation going on. I am prepared to look into the matter.

Mr. John

Does the hon. Gentleman accept that one of the problems is continuing dereliction and how much of it is taking place? When will the Welsh Office study on this aspect of derelict land be complete?

Mr. Gibson-Watt

I cannot give an authoritative answer at the moment.