HC Deb 23 November 1970 vol 807 cc20-1
27. Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications if he will give a general direction to the Post Office to increase the salaries of all its staffs by 43 per cent.

Mr. Chataway

No, Sir.

Mr. Lewis

That is a surprising reply. Is the Minister aware that only this month the Government have given to the higher paid civil servants cumulative increases, both retrospective and in advance, amounting to soe 43 per cent. when at the same time the Prime Minister was saying that 15 per cent. was inflationary? When the Post Office workers come for increases, will he tell the Post Office Corporation that 43 per cent. is not inflationary?

Mr. Chataway

Each case has to be considered on its merits. I am sure that in making these comparisons the hon. Gentleman will bear in mind that some of the percentages he has quoted are for an annual increase and some for increases covering a number of years.

Sir G. Nabarro

Would my right hon. Friend bear in mind that there is a direct connection today between the declining quality of Post Office Services—and they are declining faster than ever today—and the fact that postal staffs, notably the lower grades, are so poorly paid in relation to the remainder of British industry?

Mr. Chataway

I will certainly bear my hon. Friend's observation in mind.