HC Deb 27 April 1970 vol 800 cc858-60
13. Mr. Blaker

asked the Minister of Technology by how much the value of ships built overseas for United Kingdom registration exceeded the value of ships built in the United Kingdom yards for registration overseas in each of the years 1967, 1968 and 1969.

Dr. Ernest A. Davies

For 1967 this is estimated at £19 million and for 1968 and 1969 £78 million and £150 million respectively. This calculation excludes naval vessels.

Mr. Maker

Is that not an astonishing deterioration in the figures from our point of view? When the right hon. Gentleman the Minister is rightly extolling the industry for increasing its exports, should he not also point out that imports have risen even faster than exports have?

Dr. Davies

The hon. Member is drawing this comparison between imports and exports no doubt with the balance of payments benefit in mind. I want to make one or two points in that connection. First, the operation of a ship has also to be taken into account, which means that the hon. Member's kind of simple comparison is not entirely valid. Secondly, many ships purchased by United Kingdom companies abroad are of a specialised nature—especially large tankers. Finally, the trend in this direction is favourable to the United Kingdom.

Mr. Ridley

How can the Minister say that it is favourable when the balance of payments loss has risen from £17 million to £150 million? Can he also explain why the Minister referred to this as a balance of payments benefit?

Dr. Davies

I must correct the hon. Gentleman; I did not say that it was a balance of payments benefit.

Mr. Ridley

I meant the Minister of Technology.

Dr. Davies

I said that the hon. Member asking the supplementary question no doubt asked it with a balance of payments benefit in mind. I pointed out that ship operation comes into the question. As for the trends—the trend for 1970 is to show an improvement, in the sense that more ships for United Kingdom registration will be ordered in this country.

Mr. Blenkinsop

Does my hon. Friend regard these interesting attacks upon shipping and the shipbuilding industry as a new and encouraging change of view towards the need for the nationalisation of the industry?

Dr. Davies

The Government have already taken substantial steps to encourage the industry to be more effective, and the industry is responding to that. It is a great pity that hon. Members opposite seem to choose this period to attack the efforts of the Government in encouraging the shipbuilding industry.

23. Mr. Michael Shaw

asked the Minister of Technology what has been for each year since 1962 the estimated value of merchant ships for United Kingdom registration built overseas and in United Kingdom commercial yards, respectively.

Dr. Ernest A. Davies

With permission, I will circulate estimates of the value of ships completed in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Shaw

Would the Minister tell us what is the proportion of ships built at home for United Kingdom owners now as compared with earlier years?

Dr. Davies

It would take rather a long time to read out the table. I will see that it is put in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the information:

Shipp completed for United Kingdom registration
Built in United Kingdom£m. Built yards abroad£m. Total completion in United Kingdom (merchant vessels) for home and export£m.
1962 115 19 140
1963 110 44 138
1964 87 31 102
1965 119 28 136
1966 106 24 140
1967 101 73 155
1968 65 129 116
1969 99 188 137