HC Deb 27 April 1970 vol 800 c860
15. Mr. Hall-Davis

asked the Minister of Technology what is the usual interval between the completion of design stage and commissioning of major plants in the principal categories of process and manufacturing industry for which he is responsible.

Dr. Ernest A. Davies

One or more years.

Mr. Hall-Davis

Would the hon. Gentleman not accept that it is much nearer two years than one year and does not this mean that our ability to expand output this year and next is already limited by the investment decisions of last year and the year before and that those decisions were taken in conditions of cash squeeze and flat demand?

Dr. Davies

I can quite understand that the non-availability of plant is bound to be a constraint upon production. It is quite impossible to be more helpful to the hon. Gentleman because there are so many factors that affect the length of time it takes to build any particular plant. From one to three years is usual. In the case of generating stations, for instance, it is five years.