HC Deb 08 December 1969 vol 793 cc34-5
51. Mr. Randall

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what contribution Her Majesty's Government will make to the programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in 1970.

Mr. Luard

I regret that I cannot make a definite statement today. Consideration is still being given to the level of our contribution for 1970.

Mr. Randall

That is not an entirely satisfactory reply. Is my hon. Friend aware that, in the other place, when there was a debate on the European Refugee Commission, an undertaking was given by the Government spokesman that when the economic situation improved the High Commission's programme would be one of the first priorities? Will my hon. Friend keep this in mind for the pledging Conference next week?

Mr. Luard

I very much understand my hon. Friend's concern with this matter. It is certainly our hope that we shall be able to make an announcement on this within the next few days and be in a position to make a pledge at the pledging Conference next week, and that it will not be such as to be less in the future. Perhaps I may be allowed to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the very valuable work which my hon. Friend has done in this Commission. We all know that it has done a great deal of good for refugees all over the world.

Mr. Kenneth Lewis

Why is not the announcement made of the amount to be contributed, since it has to be announced in the next two or three days, as he has just said, and since it has got to be announced next week anyway? Why does not the Minister come to the House to give the answer to this or any Question?

Mr. Luard

I cannot give the answer because no final decision about the amount has yet been reached.