HC Deb 24 October 1968 vol 770 cc1574-6
29. Dr. Gray

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science why in East Anglia only 39.7 per cent. of 15-year-olds stay on at secondary school as compared with 46.6 per cent. nationally.

Miss Bacon

Facilities for pupils to remain at school beyond the statutory leaving age exist in East Anglia as elsewhere. I could not say why more East Anglians exercise their right to leave. In recent years, however, staying on has been increasing more rapidly in East Anglia than in the country as a whole, and this trend is likely to continue.

Dr. Gray

Has my right hon. Friend noted that in its Report the East Anglian Planning Council states that it knows why this happens? It suggests that it is because of the limited opportunities which are available in the rural primary schools, particularly in Norfolk.

Miss Bacon

There is another feature. My hon. Friend will be interested to know that in 1966–67 a higher proportion of those aged between 15 and 17 were in fulltime further education in East Anglia than in any other region—5.74 per cent. compared with the national average of 4.25 per cent. That shows that many of the school leavers in East Anglia are going on to further education.

Sir H. Legge-Bourke

Will the right hon. Lady bear in mind that in many cases there is a need for some accommodation for those wishing to take further education in East Anglia who have to travel considerable distances to the seats of education which they attend?

Miss Bacon

That is another question, but I will look into it.

30. Dr. Gray

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science when he intends to designate an East Anglian college as a polytechnic.

Mrs. Shirley Williams

There are no proposals at present for the establishment of a polytechnic in East Anglia.

Dr. Gray

Has my right non. Friend taken note of the recommendation of the East Anglian Planning Council that the situation should be reviewed after five years and stressing that it is essential, in view of the future industrial development which will certainly take place there, for this polytechnic to be provided?

Mrs. Williams

Yes, Sir. At the time of the establishment of the polytechnics the regional advisory councils were asked for their advice. The East Anglian Council advised that there was ground for the establishment of a polytechnic in Ipswich because of the expected expansion of the area. As my hon. Friend will appreciate, this was in anticipation and we have already agreed that we will review the situation in the light of developments in the Ipswich area.