HC Deb 18 October 1968 vol 770 c754

Lords Amendment No. 29: In page 30, line 36, at end insert: (3A) Without prejudice to the last preceding subsection, but subject to subsection (10) of this section, where any such provisions as are mentioned in the last preceding subsection are contravened in relation to a machine on any premises, any person who allowed the machine to be on the premises shall be guilty of an offence.

Mr. Elystan Morgan

I beg to move, That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment.

The Amendment applies to offences committed in connection with machines on licensed or registered premises. The principle is the same as that which applied to the Amendments in Clauses 23 and 24 in respect of offences against a general gaming loss on those premises. It does this for exactly the same reasons. It extends the liability from the licence holder or club officers to whoever else may have allowed the offending machine to be on the premises.

Mr. Carlisle

I wish only to make the same comment, and to ask whether the Home Secretary can confirm—although he has not actually said it—that these are not absolute offences, but ones to which there is a defence.

Question put and agreed to.

Subsequent Lords Amendments agreed to.

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