HC Deb 19 March 1968 vol 761 cc232-3
13. Dr. David Kerr

asked the Minister of Health what steps he is taking to meet the growing incidence of venereal disease, particularly among younger people.

Mr. K. Robinson

Steps are being taken to improve the tracing of contacts as the most effective way of controlling venereal diseases and also to prepare health education material suitable for use in schools.

Dr. Kerr

What consultation is my right hon. Friend having with the Secretary of State for Education and Science in order to ensure that publications are not the only means of bringing home to young people the dangers of venereal disease and venereal contact?

Mr. Robinson

There is a working party on which the Department of Education and Science is represented and it is considering material for instruction in schools. Work is in hand on the preparation of a film strip and a pamphlet for use by teachers.

Mr. Scott-Hopkins

What has been the increase in this disease over the last four or five years?

Mr. Robinson

There has been a worldwide increase but the rise has been less marked in England and Wales than in many other countries. It still gives rise to concern, however. If the hon. Gentleman will put down a Question, I can give him the figures.

30. Mr. Grieve

asked the Minister of Health what plans he has to meet the need for new clinics in view of the great increase in venereal disease in the last few years.

Mr. Snow

It is for hospital boards to keep under review the adequacy of their services, but I have no reason to think that overall there is a need for more clinics.

Mr. Grieve

Does the hon. Gentleman appreciate that the country is worried about the increasing amount of venereal disease which is resistant to antibiotic drugs? Will he keep the position carefully under review?

Mr. Snow

Yes, Sir.