HC Deb 21 February 1968 vol 759 cc419-21
14. Mr. McNamara

asked the Minister of Transport what negotiations are in progress between her Department, the British Waterways Board and local authorities on the future development of the waterways system.

Mr. John Morris

The part that individual local authorities can play must necessarily be related to particular waterways within the Board's system. It is for the Board, as a matter of management, to reach agreement directly with interested local authorities on objectives in their areas. The Board is engaged in numerous discussions of this nature at the present time.

Mr. McNamara

I thank my hon. Friend for that reply. Can he assure the House that adequate consultation is taking place between local authorities, regional sports councils and the Waterways Board so as to make full use of the tremendous amenities that the Minister has now placed at our disposal?

Mr. Morris

From the information in my possession, there is a very long list of local authorities which are at present negotiating or discussing various matters concerning their own areas with the British Waterways Board. This should be encouraged, and I am satisfied with the present situation.

15. Mr. McNamara

asked the Minister of Transport what proposals she has under consideration for the development of container traffic on the waterways.

Mr. John Morris

The development of container traffic on the nationalised inland waterways is essentially for the Waterways Board to consider, as a matter of commercial judgment, together with the carriers and the customers. I know that the Board is very much alive to the possibilities of container traffic and are actively studying ways in which it can participate further in this modern carrying technique.

Mr. McNamara

Is my hon. Friend aware of the tremendous importance of the Humber as a carrying area for the Trent, the Calder, South Yorkshire and so on, and can he give any sort of indication of discussions taking place with the Yorkshire-Humberside area for the development of waterways container traffic?

Mr. Morris

I understand from the Board that a firm of consultants is studying new craft design to meet the requirements of the main river navigations in the region and, in particular, is investigating the possibility of sea-going container carrying craft which would also be capable of navigating the large waterways in the North-East.

Mr. Gresham Cooke

If the Waterways Board intends to buy such containers, will the Minister urge on it the importance of buying British containers rather than foreign ones, such as those bought by other Boards?

Mr. Alan Lee Williams

Is my hon. Friend aware that this question has profound implications for the Thames lighterage industry, and would he consider consulting it?

Mr. Morris

I am sure that this would be drawn to the attention of the British Waterways Board.

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