HC Deb 31 May 1967 vol 747 cc77-8
17. Mr. Bruce-Gardyne

asked the Secretary of State for Defence if he will harmonise the nationality regulations governing entry into the three Armed Forces.

Mr. Reynolds

The principles are identical, but are applied to requirements which differ between the Services.

Mr. Bruce-Gardyne

Can the hon. Gentleman explain why it is that the sons of Polish ex-Servicemen are allowed, more or less automatically, to join the Army in a non-commissioned capacity, but not the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy? In view of the integration that is going on between the three Services, is not this somewhat illogical?

Mr. Reynolds

It is not only such people, but all people who do not qualify under the nationality rules generally, who can be allowed to join the Army in the non-commissioned ranks because it is possible in the Army to offer a career to any soldier without it being necessary for him to come up against classified or security problems. But in the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy it is not possible to offer someone a career in the ranks without, at some time in his career, his having to be vetted in some way or other because of security matters.