HC Deb 12 July 1967 vol 750 cc791-2
22. Mr. Webster

asked the Minister of Transport if she will give an estimate of the income that British Railways will receive from sales of property and lettings for each of the next five years.

Mr. John Morris

The British Railways Board estimates that capital realised from the sales of surplus property in each of the years 1967 and 1968 will be about £20 million; and the estimated net revenue from lettings about £8 million and £7.6 million. No estimates can be given for later years.

Mr. Webster

What is the loss of revenue or income resulting from the Control of Office and Industrial Development Act, 1965?

Mr. Morris

I cannot answer that question without notice. In London there has been a release to the G.L.C. of about £12 million-worth of property over the past few years.

Mr. William Edwards

Does the estimate of the money to be released from sale of property refer only to property which is now free, or to railway lines which it has been said will possibly be closed?

Mr. Morris

The figures I have given refer to 1967 and 1968 and to land which will actually be surplus in those years.

Mr. Ridsdale

Will the Minister reconsider her decision to bar a public inquiry into the sale of houses and railway property, because many of the sales have been in the interests neither of railwaymen nor of the finances of British Rail?

Mr. Morris

As I have explained to the hon. Gentleman at some length, this is entirely a matter for management. He has grossly overstated the case in the allegations he has made in the House about Rachmanism.