HC Deb 07 November 1966 vol 735 c974
43. Mr. Hooley

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he will propose in the Security Council of the United Nations the creation of a United Nations force in the Far East based on Singapore as a contribution to stability in South-East Asia.

Mrs. White

We will certainly consider this when the time appears opportune. At present, there continues to be substantial opposition to the establishment of any permanent United Nations forces.

Mr. Hooley

Would not my hon. Friend agree that it is important that steps be taken at the earliest possible moment to bring the question of peace and security in South-East Asia under the ambit of the United Nations, and not leave this issue to the vagaries of the policies of the great Powers?

Mrs. White

My hon. Friend's Question concerned a United Nations force and our attitude to that was described in my reply to my hon. Friend the Member for Hampstead (Mr. Whitaker) on 17th June.