HC Deb 23 February 1966 vol 725 c405
29. Mr. Peter Mills

asked the Postmaster-General if he will now announce his review of sub-postmasters' pay.

Mr. Benn

Yes, Sir. The scale of payments was increased on an interim basis from 1st January, 1965. I have now agreed with the National Federation of Sub-Postmasters on a further increase of 3 per cent. from the same date; and on a revised basis for calculating payment for mail work and for attendances after 6 p.m. and on the weekly half-holiday. As well as providing for an element of personal return, sub-postmasters' remuneration takes account of the accommodation, necessary staff and other expenses of running sub-offices.

Mr. Mills

I thank the Minister for that reply, but would not he agree that in the case of small rural businesses this is nothing like enough? Bearing in mind the social aspects of these small rural businesses, will the right hon. Gentleman look at the matter again, otherwise some of these small sub-post offices will not be manned?

Mr. Benn

I cannot look at it again in the context of these considerations. I am aware of the representations made by the hon. Member, but a sub-post office is an advantage to some business people in attracting extra business, and this must be borne in mind.

Mr. Bessell

Does the review include the provision of holiday staff, and will the right hon. Gentleman be able to revise the pension schemes which exist for sub-postmasters?

Mr. Benn

I had better write to the hon. Member with the details of the arrangements.