HC Deb 10 August 1966 vol 733 cc1681-2
13. Mr. Peter Walker

asked the Minister of Transport when she now expects to be able to publish the Marplan Survey on the effects of railway closures.

Mr. John Morris

My right hon. Friend expects the analysis of the results to be completed soon. As I said in my previous reply to the hon. Member she will consider the question of publication when she has examined the results.

Mr. Walker

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that we are very cautious when the word "soon" is mentioned by the Ministry of Transport? As the Parliamentary Secretary in another place stated in May last year that the report would be completed by the beginning of this year and the report is of vital importance to those considering railways and transport problems, will the hon. Gentleman guarantee that it will be fully published?

Mr. Morris

As I am sure the hon. Gentleman is aware, the survey went into substantial detail. If the exercise was worth doing, it was worth doing well. This has meant the collection of very elaborate information and statistics from the people who were interviewed. That information has been collected, and it is now being analysed. As to publication, that will be a matter for the Minister to decide when she has the information available.

33. Mr. Harold Walker

asked the Minister of Transport when she hopes to receive the report of the joint survey into the railways referred to in her White Paper on Transport Policy.

Mr. John Morris

I expect that the Joint Steering Group will be making several reports on specific subjects to the Chairman of the British Railways Board and my right hon. Friend. It is too early to say how long it will take it to complete the whole of its task.

Mr. Walker

Will my hon. Friend consider asking his right hon. Friend whether she will further define the terms of reference of the Joint Review insofar as they relate to establishing an acceptable basis for costing, to provide for a separate accounting of traffic and ancillary costs?

Mr. Morris

The terms of reference of the Steering Group have been drafted after a great deal of consideration and the matters which my hon. Friend raised will be considered by the Group.