HC Deb 24 March 1965 vol 709 cc540-1
7. Mr. Ridsdale

asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster whether he will make a report on the progress of his review on the structure of social security.

8. Mr. Curran

asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster whether he will now make a statement about his review of the social services.

Mr. Houghton

All I can say about the review is that we are getting on with it.

Mr. Ridsdale

Surely, after 13 years in Opposition, the Chancellor can answer without appointing a social security review what will be the cost of a national minimum income when introduced and whether it is to be introduced without a means test. Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the health of the Government has been seriously undermined by its almost broken promise a day?

Mr. Houghton

I am aware that supplementary questions of that sort are a sheer impertinence.

Mr. Curran

Will the Minister publish the evidence that he has so far taken in his review of the social services? Can he tell us which organisations have given evidence to him?

Mr. Houghton

The question of publication of evidence or advice which is given in the course of the review will be considered later. We are under no obligation to publish. As to the names of organisations which have given or which may later give information or evidence, I do not consider it necessary at this stage to disclose names of any organisations. This is a review which is being undertaken through the machinery of Government. I have explained this more than once. We are proceeding with it on that basis and subsequent happenings on the review must await our consideration of the circumstances at the time.

Sir K. Joseph

In view of the constantly changing positions which the right hon. Gentleman's party has taken over the years on these important subjects, will he not invite the main voluntary bodies concerned with social security to give hint evidence of what they think, or is he simply depending upon the general invitation which he has issued in this House?

Mr. Houghton

We are not depending on the general invitation. We shall invite many of the main organisations concerned to come to us to give evidence.

Mr. Ridsdale

In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the Chancellor's reply to my reasoned Question, I beg to give notice that I will raise this matter on the Adjournment.