HC Deb 15 July 1965 vol 716 cc760-1
13. Mr. Rose

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what steps he is taking to widen the electoral franchise in Aden.

Mr. Greenwood

I have made clear that I should very much like to see some widening of the franchise. This is primarily a matter for the Aden Government and Legislative Council, but I hope that in due course Aden State Ministers may be willing to hold all-party consultations on the subject.

Mr. Rose

Will my right hon. Friend confirm his intention of supporting eventually universal suffrage in Aden? Will he make it quite clear that the progress of Aden towards self-government and independence will not be impeded by any strategic considerations arising from the east of Suez policy?

Mr. Greenwood

I have made it clear that this is primarily a matter for the Aden Government and the Legislative Council. I should not go beyond my previous reply.

Mr. Sandys

Is this a matter which will be taken into account by the Commission or is it outside their terms of reference? If it is within their terms of reference, may I ask the right hon. Gentleman not to prejudge any views which they may express?

Mr. Greenwood

It is not specifically a matter for consideration by the South Arabian Constitutional Commission, but I have no doubt that they will take into account the Aden franchise in considering recommending any franchise for the whole of South Arabia. It would be wrong for me to prejudge any decisions or advice which they may give.

Mr. Sandys

Is not that just what the right hon. Gentleman has done in his earlier Answer when he said that he strongly hoped that there would be a widening of the franchise?

Mr. Greenwood

That is a view which is very widely held in Aden. It is important that we should not give any indication of the lines along which that widening should take place.

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