HC Deb 18 February 1965 vol 706 cc1349-50
13. Mr. Fisher

asked the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Economic Affairs if he will now announce the names of the members and the terms of reference of the prices and incomes review body.

Mr. Albu

It is hoped to announce the names shortly. The terms of reference will be contained in a Royal Warrant.

Mr. Fisher

Can the hon. Gentleman tell me what sanction the board intends to apply if its recommendations on prices or incomes are disregarded, how it can prevent inflationary wage demands, and how his right hon. Friend hopes to control prices if he does not, as I assume he does not, intend to control wages?

Mr. Albu

As my right hon. Friend has explained, it is intended that the board should operate in the first instance without further statutory powers, but if the hon. Gentleman refers to the White Paper, he will see that it was agreed by both sides of industry that if it was found necessary to take further powers in the future, we should have to take them.

Mr. Heath

Can the hon. Gentleman give a clear undertaking that he will not legislate to enforce wage agreements or limit wages?

Mr. Albu

I should think, yes, we could give that assurance.

Mr. Gresham Cooke

Can the hon. Gentleman give an assurance that he will not put on the board the Controller of the Stationery Office?