HC Deb 27 April 1965 vol 711 cc322-3
Mrs. Hart

I beg to move in page 7, line 42, after "registration", to insert "or re-registration". This is a very simple drafting Amendment, designed to fill the gap in the requirements of the subsection under consideration. The subsection, as amended, would read: When the Disciplinary Committee directs that a person's application for registration or re-registration shall be refused… The difficulty is that the subsection as it stands not not require the Committee to cause notice to be given in the case of an individual whose name has been removed from the register and who applies to be re-registered. At the moment, notice must be given under the Bill as it stands in a case where an initial application for registration has been refused on the ground of misconduct by the applicant, or in a case where the name of the person is removed from the register. It is designed to tighten up this part of the Bill and to fill in the small gaps by making sure that re-registration is also covered.

Amendment agreed to.

Mr. Wylie

I think that it would be for the convenience of the House if Amendments Nos. 21 and 22 could be taken together. If the hon. Lady is prepared to move Amendment No. 22, I shall not press Amendment No. 21. They are in exactly the same terms, and I am happy that the Government Amendment should be incorporated in the Bill.

Mrs. Hart indicated assent.

Mr. Deputy-Speaker

I gather then that Amendment No. 21 is not to be moved, on the understanding that Amendment No. 22 will be moved.

Mrs. Hart

I beg to move in page 7, line 45, after "of", to insert: the facts found to have been proved in the proceedings before the Committee and As I think the hon. and learned Gentleman has appreciated, this Amendment is designed to cover the points made in the discussion of the Amendment in the name of his hon. Friend the Member for Aberdeenshire, West (Mr. Hendry), the effect of which would have been to require the Committee to include in the direction refusing admission to or making removal from the register a statement of reasons in the case of a conviction, particulars of the conviction and sentence, and in the case of infamous conduct in any professional respect, the facts proved. The point which concerned him and the Committee during that discussion was that such an Amendment was necessary in order to make sure that if there were an appeal to the Court of Session from the decision of the Disciplinary Committee under Clause 12, the Court would have before it the facts proved before the Disciplinary Committee.

I undertook to consider whether this was necessary and, if so, how it should be done. Having done this, we now feel that an Amendment here would be sensible and would cover the contingency about which the hon. Member was concerned. The Amendment is intended to meet it. I appreciate the willingness of the hon. and learned Member for Edinburgh, Pentlands (Mr. Wylie) to have this Amendment moved rather than his. We feel that, admirable though his Amendment might be, ours is a little more admirable and that it covers the point more completely and succinctly than his. I appreciate the fact that he did not move his Amendment.

Amendment agreed to.