HC Deb 11 November 1964 vol 701 cc1018-9
24. Sir R. Thompson

asked the Minister of Transport what decision he has taken on the route of the London-Crawley motorway; and if he will make a statement.

78. Mr. Doughty

asked the Minister of Transport when he will announce the proposed route through Surrey of the new Brighton motorway.

Mr. Tom Fraser

The consultants' report on this motorway was received in May. It covered a great deal of ground and a number of alternative possibilities. Proper planning demands that the interests of all those national and local authorities who could be affected by this road be fully taken into account in fixing the most suitable route. Consultation has been, and is, still going on. I expect to make an announcement before the end of the year.

Sir R. Thompson

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that he has really said nothing at all, and I had a similar Answer about six months ago? [Interruption.] Does he suggest that the new Government ought not to be able to show some result for all the work which has gone on in the meantime? Further, does he realise that the largest free area of land within the Greater London area is virtually sterilised and made useless for the local authorities concerned until he and his experts make up their minds about where this road ought to go?

Mr. Fraser

It is not just a matter for me and my experts. It affects a great many local authorities. What I have said this afternoon, whether the hon. Gentleman thinks that it is something or nothing, is that I shall not decide the route of this motorway without full consultation with the local authorities concerned.

Mr. Doughty

Will the Minister first publish the proposed routes so that those who are vitally interested in them may, at least, make their voices heard about where the best route would go? It is no good making a decision until one has published the proposals and heard any possible alternative suggestions or complaints.

Mr. Fraser

I have said that I shall publish a draft scheme, after I have had the views of all the local authorities concerned. We can then have the comments of all concerned, whether local authorities or not.

Sir J. Vaughan-Morgan

Will the Minister consider consulting his colleague the Minister of Housing and Local Government to see whether he could give an interim decision as regards that part of the motorway which is at present holding up approval of the Redhill development plan, Redhill being the biggest town on the route?

Mr. Fraser

I am not sure that it would be wise to do that now. I hope to be able to make an announcement before the end of the year. It is the 11th November now, and the end of the year is not so very far away. We are getting near to the publication of the draft scheme. I think that we had better do that, and then let hon. and right hon. Members in all parts of the House, and the local authorities concerned, see what the draft proposal is.