HC Deb 07 May 1964 vol 694 cc1445-6
28. Mr. J. Griffiths

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science having regard to the saving of 12½ per cent. in building costs through the bulk purchase of standard components by the consortium of 10 education authorities in Wales, what steps he is taking to bring the other education authorities in Wales within the consortium; and what is his estimate of the saving on the cost of the current building programme if all the authorities joined the consortium.

Mr. Hogg

This matter was brought to the attention of all local education authorities by my Department's Circular 1/64 of 28th February last. I am sending the right hon. Gentleman a copy and I welcome the opportunity of giving it further publicity. Although I cannot estimate the additional saving I hope that more authorities in Wales will recognise the advantage of joining the consortium, although this is a matter for them to decide.

Mr. Griffiths

Does not the right hon. and learned Gentleman agree that a saving of £30,000 on schools' bulk purchase tenders in one year is a very creditable performance? Does it not prove that, if other local education authorities in Wales and elsewhere adopt this method, they will save a great deal of money for the ratepayers and taxpayers'?

Mr. Hogg

I entirely agree with the right hon. Gentleman. I have always done what I could to encourage consortia of this kind.