HC Deb 19 March 1964 vol 691 cc1581-2
39. Mr. Hannan

asked the Secretary of State for Industry, Trade and Regional Development what representations he has received in respect of the proposed extension of Queenslie Industrial Estate, Glasgow; and if he will reconsider his decision to refuse acquisition.

Mr. Heath

The Lord Provost of Gasgow has asked that the Board of Trade should acquire from the Glasgow Corporation some 90 acres of land as an extension to the Board's existing estate at Queenslie. The Board of Trade already own 24 acres of underdeveloped land there and is developing an estate of over 100 acres at Bellshill only eight miles away. I should be prepared to authorise acquisition of some part of the 90 acres if a specific project requiring more land were proposed but I do not consider I would be justified in acquiring the whole of this area.

Mr. Hannan

Will the right hon. Gentleman remember that in view of the abnormal figures of unemployment in this area—in addition to those which were given by the Minister of Labour on Monday—he should look at this problem yet again with a view to acquiescing fully in the request of the Corporation?

Mr. Heath

The important thing is that we should persuade industrialists to go to this area. We already have 24 acres there of good industrial site and we have 100 acres at Bellshill which we are developing. I do not believe that we would be justified in tying up more public money in acquiring additional land now. However, I am prepared to take any part which is required for a specific project.

Mr. Ross

Will the Secretary of State remember that one of the criticisms of the Local Employment Act by the Estimates Committee was its failure to appreciate and buy in advance land that was essential? Is he aware that this, particularly in relation to Glasgow, is what he should now be doing?

Mr. Heath

I do not think that that criticism could apply in this case in view of the land which I have said we have available.