HC Deb 19 March 1964 vol 691 cc1576-8
33. Mr. W. Hamilton

asked the Secretary of State for Industry, Trade and Regional Development what representations he has received from industrialists in Scotland concerning the industrial effects of proposed restrictions on Scandinavian air services at Prestwick; and what reply he has sent.

34. Mr. Willis

asked the Secretary of State for Industry, Trade and Regional Development what is his estimate of the effects of the diversion of Scandinavian air services from Prestwick upon trade between Scotland and the Scandinavian countries.

35. Mr. Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Industry, Trade and Regional Development what representations he has received regarding the effects on Government policy for expanding industrial development in Scotland of restricting air services between Scotland and Scandinavia; and what replies he has sent.

Mr. du Cann

My right hon. Friend has received a number of representations, mainly from local authorities, which he has brought to the notice of my right hon. Friend, the Minister of Aviation, who is responsible for air services. In reaching a decision on this matter the Government will take full account of the importance of air communications to the development of Scotland's industry and trade.

Mr. Hamilton

Can the hon. Gentleman say why this was even considered in the first instance in view of the fact that the declared policy of the Government is to encourage industrial growth in Scotland instead of taking measures to hinder it, as this undoubtedly will do? Will the hon. Gentleman take note of the almost unanimous protests of industrialists of all political persuasions in Scotland that this kind of attack on or threat to the growth of the economy of Scotland must be stopped at once if the Government are sincerely interested in the future expansion of the Scottish economy?

Mr. du Cann

I note what the hon. Member has said and will bring his remarks and these Questions to the notice of the Minister of Aviation, but I am not satisfied that on the whole the development of trade with Scandinavia or Scottish industrial development is likely to be affected substantially by the decisions made.

Mr. Ross

I hope that the Minister will have another look at this and at the real problems involved. He should be aware that the Minister of State and the Scottish Council made a special visit to Scandinavia to build up trade. One of the things brought to their notice was the establishment of a link between Scandinavia and Scotland via Prestwick. [HON. MEMBERS: "Question."] Will the hon. Gentleman bear in mind that it is upon this that we have some Scandinavian industries established in this part of the world? Will he look upon this as much more his concern than that of the Minister of Aviation?

Mr. du Cann

We are at the moment talking about transatlantic services. If there is an unsatisfied demand for services between Scandinavia and Scotland there is nothing on earth to stop those services being introduced. Certainly the remarks made my the hon. Member will be noted.

Mr. Manuel

Will the hon. Gentleman take note of the fact that Ayrshire Members of Parliament met the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Aviation last week? Will the hon. Gentleman do what he can to understand the issues involved here—which, apparently from his answers, he does not—and use his influence and the influence of his Department strongly to inform the Minister of Aviation just how important it is in the sense of employment and trade?

Mr. du Cann

I have already undertaken to bring the views expressed today to the notice of my right hon. Friend the Minister of Aviation, and I am happy to give the general assurance required by the hon. Member.