HC Deb 26 March 1963 vol 674 cc1099-100
11. Mr. Loughlin

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs, how many units of accommodation in the constituency of West Gloucestershire are not serviced by main sewerage; in which areas they are situated; what is the number of residents involved; and what steps he proposes to take to deal with the situation.

Mr. Corfield

The total is 11,722 units; I will, with permission, circulate the detailed figures in the OFFICIAL REPORT. They show fair progress for districts in which much property is scattered and therefore costly to sewer. My right hon. Friend will consider sympathetically further sewerage schemes from the district councils. Grant is available from both the Exchequer and the county council.

Mr. Loughlin

Would the Minister agree that literally thousands of my constituents live in under-developed areas which are still without piped sewerage? Does he know that this is 1963? Will he attempt to do something to get sewerage services into the rural areas? Why are planning authorities repeatedly refusing planning permission for houses on the ground that uneconomic sewerage services might have to be introduced?

Mr. Corfield

In answer to the first question, the hon. Member knows as well as I do that the initiative in these matters must come from the local authorities, and I have assured him that any schemes which are put forward will be looked at sympathetically and that grants are available. In four of the five rural districts in the hon. Member's constituency, further schemes are in progress or are about to be commenced and this will make an addition of a further 1,684 properties. With regard to the second matter, although it is not directly connected with the Question, I can tell the hon. Member that where a planning application is submitted and there are no prospects of sewerage, that is clearly a consideration to be taken into account in deciding whether planning permission should be given.

Mr. Loughlin

In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I give notice that I will raise the matter on the Adjournment.

Following are the details: 11,722 units of accommodation in the constituency are not at present served by main sewerage. These are in the following rural districts: 2,397 in East Dean; 1,862 in Gloucester; 1,728 in Lydney; 2,150 in Newent; and 3,585 in West Dean. It is estimated that about 35,500 residents are affected. Schemes now being carried out or imminent will reach a further 1,684 properties and 5,100 residents.