HC Deb 25 June 1963 vol 679 c1122
26. Mr. Frank Allaun

asked the President of the Board of Trade what steps he is taking to increase the level of Great Britain's trade with Poland in the coming period.

Mr. Green

A Trade Arrangement with Poland was signed in Warsaw on 12th June, which will come into operation on 1st July, 1963, and last for five years. New quota lists for the first year of the Trade Arrangement were also agreed. Poland has provided specific quotas and general facilities for United Kingdom exports in 1963–64 worth some £28 million compared with £25¼ million in the current year. The United Kingdom has established import quotas for Polish goods to an estimated value of about £30 million, while in addition Poland expects to earn about £14 million from the sale of commodities under open general licence.

Mr. Allaun

While welcoming this five-year agreement, signed a few days ago, may I ask why the quotas have been fixed for one year only, which makes it difficult for both sides to plan ahead, whereas our competitors. Germany, France, Italy and Holland, all have three-year quotas?

Mr. Green

My information is that this one-year agreement is quite agreeable to both sides. The foreshadowing further ahead which I have already mentioned should, I think, remove the difficulties which the hon. Member has in mind.