HC Deb 24 July 1963 vol 681 c1458

Terms of Reference and Composition

The terms of reference of the Committee are: To advise the Minister of Transport on the exercise of his powers for regulating motoring events on the public highway under Section 36 of the Road Traffic Act, 1962.

The composition of the Committee is as follows:—

Lord Chesham (Chairman).

County Councils Association:

Mr. F. A. Butters, M.I.P.R.

Mr. J. H. H. Wilkes, B.Sc., M.I.C.E., M.I.Mun.E., A.M.T.P.I.

Association of Municipal Corporations:

Alderman O. J. Norris.

Urban District Councils Association:

Councillor F. V. Magness.

Rural District Councils Association:

Mr. G. Bowden.

(Alternate Mr. C. A. Bohannon).

Council for the Preservation of Rural England:

Mr. F. E. Ritchie, O.B.E.

Mr. M. V. Osmond, M.A.

Royal Automobile Club:

Mr. D. H. Delamont.

Mr. J. A. H. Gott, G.M., M.B.E.

Auto-Cycle Union:
Mr. J. C. Lowe. Mr. D. Murray*
Mr. K. E. Shierson. Mr. Douglas Johns.*

Chief Constable of Derbyshire:

Mr. W. E. Pitts.

Chief Constable of Surrey:

Mr H. Rutherford.

Ministry of Transport:

Mr. A. M. Houghton.

Mr. C. P. F. North.

Scottish Development Department (Observer):

Mr. J. Ramsay.

Ministry of Transport (Secretary):

Mr. A. W. Lovett.

*Note: Independent Members.