HC Deb 16 July 1963 vol 681 cc326-7
36. Mr. Steele

asked the Minister of Public Building and Works why he has found it impossible to accommodate the National Health Service Dunbartonshire Executive Council, now seeking new accommodation, in the Crown building being planned for Dumbarton, which would avoid the duplication of common services and thereby save public money.

Mr. Sharples

Executive Councils, as part of the National Health Service Organisation, are responsible for finding their own accommodation subject in Scottish cases to the approval of the Secretary of State for Scotland.

Mr. Steele

Why cannot the Ministry provide accommodation in this new Crown building so that the common services are available in the same building? As this money is coming out of the Treasury and the public purse, why cannot we save money by doing this?

Mr. Sharples

I have stated a general principle on this, but in this case, which I have discussed with the hon. Gentleman, taking into account the rent, repairs and adaptations, I am advised that the cost of accommodation in Dumbarton would be about half that of enlarging the proposed Crown building.

Mr. Steele

The building which the hon. Member mentions will be vacated by the Inland Revenue and no new contract has been made. In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I beg to give notice that I will raise the matter on the Adjournment.