HC Deb 16 July 1963 vol 681 cc327-8
38. Sir W. Wakefield

asked the Minister of Public Building and Works what is the increase in cost of the scheme, as originally planned, for the rebuilding of the Bernhard Baron Pavilion in Regent's Park; what modifications to the plans are required to reduce the cost and by how much the cost will be reduced; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Sharples

It was found that the scheme as originally planned would have cost over£46,000 as against the provision of£38,000 which had been taken for it in the 1963–64 Estimates. The scheme is now being revised with the object of bringing the cost if possible down to the Estimates figure. The revisions proposed include a change in the heating arrange- ments, a simpler form of structural design and modifications to the roof construction.

Sir W. Wakefield

Is my hon. Friend aware that it is now over five years since the boroughs of St. Marylebone, Hampstead, Paddington and St. Pancras made most urgent representations for the building of this pavilion? Is he further aware that two years ago it was understood that this pavilion would be built this year? This is a most unsatisfactory situation and a grave reflection on his Department and is in marked contrast to the energy which the Government show in so many other directions at home and abroad.

Mr. Sharples

I am aware of the delays in going ahead with this construction, but I think it is right that we should come to the right conclusion. I hope very much that these new plans which have been produced will provide the right answer.